Clock_skew , (+)SKEW, (-)SKEW, Useful skew


Clock skew Arrival time of the clock Transition or Difference in clock arrival time at two spatially distinct points (TCLK1 and TCLK2)

positive skew

if the capture clocks comes late than launch clock then its called +skew

+skew can lead to hold violations

Negative skew

if the capture clock comes early than launch clock it is called -skew

-skew can lead to setup violations

Useful skew

it is a concept of delaying the capturing flop clock path this approach will helps in meeting setup requirements. setup requirement with in the launch and capture timing path. But the hold requirement has to be met for the design.

Useful skew techniques can be used to fix both setup and hold violations. One disadvantage of this technique is that if the design has multiple modes of operation, then useful skew can potentially cause a problem in another mode.


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